Standing Committees

  • Membership: The Membership Committee shall seek to enroll and maintain as current Association members all persons who matriculated at Louisiana Tech University, including students who have successfully completed at least a year of coursework at LaTech, parents, instructors, administrators, or spouses of students. It may delegate authority for specific categories of events to one or more sub-chairpersons or sub-committees.  In addition to identifying and recruiting new members, the Committee shall promote participation in the Association, including attendance at meetings, events, and Association scholarship fundraising. The Chairperson of this committee shall have custody of the names and contact information of the alumni. This list shall not be released for political or commercial purposes. This committee shall also govern and facilitate the creation and operation of local chapters.


  • Programs: The Programs Committee shall generate program ideas and plan all events (e.g. social & professional events and fundraising events), including any necessary arrangements for speakers, meeting facilities, etc. It may delegate authority for specific categories of events to one or more sub-chairpersons or sub-committees. The Committee shall plan diverse programs, with particular emphasis on and use of LaTech resources, to encourage attendance and participation by all Association members.


  • Communications: The Communications Committee shall, whenever possible, prepare and send to local newspapers and other media, notices of any major Association events, including the names of outstanding speakers and other distinguished guests. The Committee shall also be responsible for preparing a periodic newsletter for distribution to Association members and shall be responsible for maintenance of the Association's web page/site and social media presence.


Social Media/Website



  • Student Affairs: The Student Affairs Committee shall be comprised of volunteers who will attend and promote recruitment functions, phone applicants and sponsor events such as applicant receptions, all in accordance with the Alumni Admissions Program Manual published by the Undergraduate Admissions Office. The Committee shall also be responsible for mentoring activities, identifying internship opportunities and participate in the selection of the Potts-Robinson Scholarship recipient. This Committee shall also make sure that parents are included in chapter activities when appropriate. The Committee should also plan activities specific to the needs of this group.


Campus Mentoring

Scholarships & Grants

Campus Relations



  • Governance/Nominating: The Committee shall support the Board by enriching the capacity of the Board members to govern and lead the Association toward achieving its goals. The Committee shall develop and implement Board member orientation, and identify other avenues to assist the Board in obtaining competencies needed to perform their tasks as Board members. The Committee shall regularly evaluate the effectiveness of the Board and Association committees. The Committee shall propose a slate of Officers and Directors at each biennial meeting. The Committee shall be composed of at least (3) members of the Board of Directors, one of which shall be the Chair.


Special Committees

  • Budget and Finance: The Committee shall oversee preparation of the annual budget and the performance of the Association in meeting its budgeted revenues and expenses. Presents finance/budget report at all Board meetings and the biennial meeting. Oversees capital campaigns and fundraising. The Committee shall meet with all committee chairs at least two board meetings prior to the budget submission deadline. Shall review with each committee chair the programs planned and the projected budget. After meeting with all committee chairs, at least one Board meeting prior to the budget submission deadline, shall present to the Board a proposed budget to submit to the voting body for approval.


  • Reunion Planning Committee: Reunion Chairs head the  Reunion Committee and oversee and inspect everything. It is your responsibility to know what is happening with your committee and to keep things on course. Recruit and organize a Reunion Committee members with the help of the LaTech-AAA President and the Membership Committee Chair. Keep in mind that building a diverse committee will allow you to reach a wider and more diverse audience. Appointing good Sub-committee chairs and enough of them. For some positions, it helps if they live reasonably close to Ruston so they can meet with the various on-campus departments. Be sure to pick people you know are action-oriented and representative of the broad interests of the LaTech-AAA. Your committee is all-volunteer, and you want to be very sure that they will carry the load that you expect of them. Otherwise, it will fall on your shoulders. Stay in touch with your committee and officers, organize regular meetings or conference calls and pick up the slack when necessary. If you have a Reunion co-chair structure you may wish to establish a reporting structure that has certain committee chairs reporting to each Reunion co-chair. The co-chairs can then share information about the entire committee. Serve as the liaison between the University and your committee. Organize committee meetings or conference calls and disseminate all information and forms received from the University. Collaborate with the Communications Chair to decide on Reunion logo, create letterhead and stationery, write Reunion communications, and oversee timely mailings. Track Reunion execution by keeping notes on the experience as you proceed: important decisions and their consequences, ideas that worked well and others that you might have done differently, and any other hints and helpful ideas.

Sub-committees Or Chairs

Registration Chair

Donations/Gifts Chair

Catering/Beverage  Chair

Entertainment Chair

Special Events Chair(s)

Souvenir Chair

Programs Committee

The Programs Committee shall generate program ideas and plan all events (e.g. social & professional events and fundraising events), including any necessary arrangements for speakers, meeting facilities, etc. It may delegate authority for specific categories of events to one or more sub-chairpersons or sub-committees. The Committee shall plan diverse programs, with particular emphasis on and use of LaTech resources, to encourage attendance and participation by all Association members.

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© 2025 Louisiana Tech African-American Alumni